Do you make a thousand little frogs and you always have “a little left”?
👉🏻 You are forcing the joint and it has a limit. Even if you put on benches, chairs, even if you break your knees, your hip cannot do a PURE abduction that is greater than 50. Yes or if we need pelvic gestures to collaborate. If you follow me with what I say, stop making frogs like that! But don't be scared at Fitcontor ®️ we don't take out the exercises. We look for what is most FUNCTIONAL, transferable, efficient, that is in line with this search to expand the range of your flexibility.
👉🏻 Let's change this very linear little frog.
👉🏻We need adduction and external rotation to loosen and relax the tension and gluteus medius minor. As well as activating adductors as the second active exercise after passive stretching.
👉🏻Strengthen gluteus medius and tensor abduction in active work.
💓Extra interesting fact: 💓
The range of pure hip abduction substantially does not even reach 90 degrees. The maximum range of hip abduction that a person can achieve is usually in the 45 to 50 degree range. In itself, 90 degrees in pure abduction** would be unusual, due to the anatomical limitations of the hip joint and surrounding tissues. Without pelvic anteversion and internal rotation you will not be able to achieve a middle split. So you get a thousand banks
👉🏻Acetabular impingement is a phenomenon in which the head of the femur collides with the edge of the acetabulum during certain hip movements. This impingement can contribute to injuries such as femoroacetabular impingement or wear and tear of articular cartilage. Why do I propose in the Fitcontor method to do Pelvic anteversion in this half Split?
👉🏻 And by performing proper internal rotation during deep hip abduction and anteversion, you can help move the head of the femur further away from the edge of the acetabulum, allowing for a greater range of motion without the risk of impingement. Do you dare to try Fitcontor with me?

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22 de Junio 17hs a 20hs en Montevideo Uruguay
Zona 3 cruces.
Intensivo presencial enfoque integral en todo el cuerpo por metodo Fitcontor ROM junto a Vanesa Nieva.
Reserva tu lugar y mejora con nosotras.
1 Day
USD $45
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